Earlier, we talked about how God is shifting things right now in the world spiritually and physically.
In (Exodus 1:11-16),
Pharaoh was scared that Israelites kept on multiplying. Pharaoh instructed the midwives to kill all the male children.
The first instruction he gave was not heeded. He gave another instruction to the midwives. However, the midwives listened to the voice of the Lord and did not obey Pharaoh. The Lord orchestrated the sparring of life for the ‘world shaper’ named Moses.
God had to place him in the Right Place at the Right Time so that he could bring him forward amid the crisis. In the middle of the global crisis a Leader, Priest, and Prophet was born. All of that was in Moses.
How did God train Moses?
1 . When the daughter of Pharaoh took him up from the water and His mother was asked to raise him, His mother raised him in Spiritual Matters.
2. He then grew up as a Prince in the Royal house of Pharaoh. While he was there, God trained him in the enemies’ camp so he could know the enemy’s intelligence and operations. He was trained in leadership and Elite Military Skills.
3. Later, God showed Moses what it meant to be a fugitive when he got in trouble for killing an Egyptian. He then ran away to the desert where Jethro trained him as a Priest and a Shepherd.
When he encountered the Spirit of the Lord in the wilderness, his calling was established.
Read (Deuteronomy 18:15, Deuteronomy 34:10, Matthew 21:11, and John 1:21)
As a Prophet, Moses led the people of God out of the Gates of slavery into another phase of their lives, a phase of deliverance. He helped them learn how to Worship God in a more meaningful way from what they were used to as slaves, practicing different rituals in Egypt for 400 years. Moses was sent to restore True worship.
Today, a lot of the world has been mixed up in church operations. People are operating with familiar spirits and claiming they can do miracles. Some people are exchanging money in the church. God showed his power through Moses, but the magicians who were there, also tried to duplicate the same thing. They threw their rods on the floor but when Moses threw his’, Moses’s rod devoured theirs.
In every situation, the power of the Holy Ghost would take over and ‘Swallow up’ whatever demonic manifestation they were doing.
The Bible says that a mixed multitude (Exodus 12:38) left Egypt that day.
Different kinds of things are going on in Churches right now. Just like When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he went into the temple and what did he see? Priests who were in the temple exchanging money.
The same thing is happening right now. People are setting up churches because they think it is a lucrative business.
Corona virus came to straighten up a lot of things. God has used the Corona virus crisis to cut down on some wings that were growing out of line. The Lord is coming to sift and shift things again. Some believers will be the martyred while others will survive. Some will experience persecution, but God will remain faithful!
While we are regrouping spiritually, the Lord is showing us the door. We are at the Gates of Transition into a new phase in our Christian spiritual walk. Every gate has a door, a key, or a formula on how to get through it.
When Peter was put in jail two angels came and released him. The principal for him was to trust in the Lord and stay quiet before the Lord in prayer. There were also people praying for him on his behalf.
For Paul and Silas case, the key for their lockdown was to Praise! The angel of the Lord came and freed them. When the angel freed them, souls were won, and God spared the lives of the prison guard.
• We need to know the key to open this gate so we can flow through with the Holy Spirit.
The Lord used Moses to break the bars of iron and cut down the gates of brass.
Now it is our turn:
As we hear the trumpet saying, “Arise and go” through this gate, there will be political, health, and spiritual crises. Some nations will rise, and some will fall. Churches will rise others will fall. Many lives will be lost.
The pandemic is just the sound of what is happening.
It is a spiritual operation both in the kingdom of darkness and in the kingdom of God. Ours is in the kingdom of God so we can open the Gates and let in as many souls as possible to flow through the gate to the kingdom of God. On the other hand, the kingdom of darkness already knew there were shifts going on and they had already started talking about it.
The world is being reshaped, but
Where do we stand when it comes to preparing as children of God for the Passover?
This is a global Passover and unless we have the Mark of the Blood upon our souls upon, we will be struck by the same angel that is struck the sons of Egypt.
While the firstborns of Egypt were being struck down, the children of God who had the blood of the lamb on their doorpost were being delivered. So, life was given for life.
In our case, Jesus Christ is the Passover lamb that was struck down. He became the Firstborn of all creation. (Colossians 1:15)
We who activate that Blood that was shed upon our souls will have the bloodline. Once you activate that bloodline, you are set free from the judgment of death by the blood of Jesus Christ.
So how do we prepare for this Passover?
- We must have the Blood on the lintels of our souls.
- We must partake in the Eating of the Body of Christ. We must be a part of him
Let us Read (1 Corinthians 11:24, Luke 22:15-20, & Luke 12:11-14)
There is an eating going on of his body and his body is the Word. His blood is for our cleansing and is the New Covenant that was reestablished.
Let us Read (Exodus 12: 5-12)
Flip over to when Jesus went to Jerusalem. He goes into the temple. He is now 33 years old and is now regarded as a full-grown man. He was preparing to be the groom of the church and the Church is the Bride of Christ. He gave himself on that alter at Golgotha.
Before he did that, he entered the synagogue and began to drive away all the money changers and those who sold doves, sheep, goats, and other animals.
What was happening in the temple is what is happening in church. Jesus is preparing to say, “My house is supposed to be the house of prayer”. He is not only referring to the church as his body, but also the individuals. Our bodies are not supposed to be the marketplace for all kinds of things.
Look at yourself and be honest:
Have you become a marketplace?
There are all kinds of marketing going on in our minds, souls, and our thought process.
We are at that point where Jesus is coming to clean out and judge the body. So that there will be a cleansing leading up to his crucifixion or the Passover.
The Passover lamb was supposed to be clean – Untouched, unblemished without spots or wrinkle.
The Bible says that the Lord is coming for a church that is without spot or wrinkle. God is cleansing and judging worldwide the church and the leaders. With Jesus as the Passover Lamb, souls will be delivered to the Kingdom. (Ephesians 5:27)
During the ceremonial Passover in Exodus, the children of Israel were not to keep any leftovers. There were also the excess parts of the lamb which were to be burned up.
• There are some excesses that God is going to burn from our lives. He is expecting for us to put those on the altar of incense as a burnt offering.
All the hidden things that do not belong to God are unclean. We are supposed to lay them on the altar as a burnt offering.
Read (Exodus 12:22 & 35-38)
They were to take a bundle of hyssop and dip it into the blood of the lamb or young goat. Then they were instructed to strike the lintel and two doorposts with the blood. If the Mark of the Blood was on the door, they were safe. Nobody could leave their houses or go through that door.
How do we get in prepare for the Great Passover that is taking place?
- We are to have the blood on our lentil.
- We are suppsoed to eat the Passover which means eat the body of Christ.
- We need to eat it hastily and stay in.
How do we eat the body of Christ?
We need to meditate upon His word day and night (Joshua 1:8). All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made (John 1:4-5). The Word became flesh. And we partake in the eating of his flesh [body].
The instructions for the children of Israel were to eat the Passover meal hastily and stay inside their house when they did so.
In our case we are to wait before the Lord and stay in our watches.
We need to create deliberate time to be in the presence of the Lord. We need to eat his word, eat his body, stay with him, and be on the watch spiritually. It does not just mean to fast and pray. While those are vital, it is important to be in his presence.
While spending time with him the bible says that we should be “fully dressed.” It says they should be all dressed and ready for war, ready to move.
(Reference Exodus 12:14)
In celebration of the Passover over in future years they kept the celebration as a ritual until the real fulfillment happened right before them through Jesus but had no clue, they were celebrating the real Passover.
God himself gave his own Son, The Lamb of God for the Passover. Remember when Jesus went to John the Baptist to get baptized, what did he say? He said, behold the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. However, they did not take that clue.
Read (Exodus 12:16-17)
The destroyer was not going to check on whether someone was Hebrew or Egyptian, but the only thing that would differentiate them is the blood on their lintel. That is why they had to stay indoors within the bloodline. And if we stay within the bloodline, the destroyer will not destroy us.
Key Verse (Exodus 12:11 AMPC)
“And you shall eat it thus: [as fully prepared for a journey] your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord’s Passover.”
How do we prepare for this festival?
Study (Ephesians 6:10-18 AMPC)
• We need to put on Gods complete armor.
• We must be ready with the Word. (This is where people find the solution to their crisis).
When we fully understand all these principles, then we will be able to have the key amid everything happening in the world. This is what will open a door to many more things.
Praise the Lord!