Understanding the Times & Seasons Part 4

As we have learned before, there is a global shift taking place. We are passing through a gate.

And there’s a lot of activities going on in the spirit realm- both angelic and demonic.

But today we’re going to take a look at what we are supposed to do so that we’ll move forward. What are we, the church, supposed to do? What is the Lord expecting to see from the church?

Lets Read (Romans 13:11 KJV)

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.”

Even after we become born again we are still being saved every day.  Deliverance is an everyday activity. We are entering a new season of SALVATION. This scripture reminds us that the Lord is looking for a church without spot or wrinkle.

Let’s break down the parallel of the life of Moses and the season that is taking place right now.

Read (Exodus 1:8-22 & 2:1-10)

Moses was born to a Levite man and woman (God needed a prophet to raise from that tribe). When he was born, there was a decree issued by Pharaoh that all newborn males should be thrown into the Nile River. Note, the midwives did not follow this decree and followed God. He blessed them exceedingly.

You can see a similarity between when Moses was born and when Jesus was born. The same spirit in Pharaoh’s was interested in the pure seed. The seed is what the devil is looking for.

* Moses was born to be a King, a priest, and a prophet. So he fulfilled all three callings, but God had to take him through a series of training. In the same way, the church is being trained in different ways.

Sometimes God places us in situations where he wants us to train. But some of us are either too lazy, blind, or deaf. God is trying to do something or show us something and get our attention. But we’re too busy being led by what we feel and see.

Note: For every significant season there has been a  generation of people who are called to be world changers. Noah, Joseph was one, Moses, Elijah, Jesus, John, Paul of Tarsus, just to name a few! But you notice the global shaking that affected a lot of lives.

(John 4:24) God is looking for those who will worship in spirit and in truth.

We are spirit beings. We’re only wearing a limited cloak known as our flesh. Our SOUL is what connects our spirit being to our flesh.

God operates in this spirit realm and everything happens in this spirit realm before it is comprehended in the physical.

When we operate in the spirit of God and in the spirit realm, we’re able to control what happens in the physical. When our flesh is subdued to our spirit, the spirit Is now strong and powerful enough to commune with the Lord and shape our physical response.

Going back to Moses:

When he was born, the Bible says that the mother saw a vision of him as who the Lord has called him to be. The Bible says the baby was so beautiful, she was compelled to hide him for three months until she couldn’t anymore. She now received revelation as to how to build something that will keep him afloat by sewing some reeds into a basket and laying bitumen on it.

She was very innovative in covering and protecting the seed of God. There are many of us that have the seed of God in our possession or in our custody. There are people that God wants to use.

What are we doing to protect that vision?

What do we do? Like the mother of Moses to protect that vision?

While the baby floated away in the water, the Egyptian princess went out to take her bath. She saw Moses floating in the river and sent her servant to get him. 

We learn here that God can use an “enemy.”

We cannot over underestimate our destiny helpers or put them in a template that we want to see.

Sometimes when God opens doors for us or sends people to help us in one way or the other, we look at them and judge them by their cover. God can use anybody to open the door for us. Just like he used the daughter of Pharaoh who gave the decree. Moses should have been dead by rights.

the Lord placed her as a divine connector so that he’s seed will be preserved and the vision will be preserved and fulfilled in the pallet.

(Exodus 2:7) It was Moses’s sister, Miriam, who watched from the riverbank. The princess didn’t know where this girl came from but she suggested that she should invite a Hebrew woman to come and nurse the child for the princess. And it was so. God sent Miriam to be that prophetess who could see ahead and beyond.

*Wherever we are, whatever placements we are in our lives, the Lord is expecting that we’ll have a discerning. We’ll be alert enough to discern whatever situation we are in.

What is God saying in this situation? What is God’s plan?

How can I foster or enhance and protect this vision?

With the wisdom of the Lord, Miriam went back to the mother of the child and she was able to nurse him.

(Proverbs 22:6) Moses’s mother raised him in the way that he should go. Women are significant in the raising of God’s seed to fulfill the will of God at that season.

In that season, this lady took this child, but of course, as she was raising, she’ll be teaching him the word and the ways of the Lord. She would be teaching him how to be a priest, a Levi.

When he was taken back to the princess he was trained up as a royal prince.

The Lord raised him in the camp of his enemy so that he would know the operations and the intelligence of his enemy. He was taught military prowess, leadership, and so much more. God placed the daughter of the pharaoh at the right place at the right time.

Main Scripture: (Acts 7:17)

After 40 years. When he got to a point, God had to now move him to the next phase of his life and from royalty, he became a fugitive.

The seed that was sewn never departed from him. The seed of God inside of him kicked in at the right time when he was 40 to draw him back to his people.

He looked like an Egyptian in appearance but in his soul and spirit, he was a Hebrew.

His ministry kicked in at the age of 40 he intervened to kill the Egyptian that was harshly beating an Israelite. He was executing it in the flesh, but God wanted to create a situation where he would be able to get his attention and train him to go into the next phase.

Read (Exodus 2:18 & Acts 7:29-39)

Even the Hebrews noticed he killed the Egyptian. He fled to the land of Midian where he trained to be a servant shepherd underneath Jethro.

Within that time of him being a shepherd and being able to spend time alone with God,

God got his attention. He caused a bush to begin to burn. He called Moses and opened the doors for what he was going to do next.

God now established, so re-established the covenant with Moses.

The voices of the oppressed Of the people in Egypt reached God.

Just like today (in this season) the voices of the oppressed, the voices of the innocent, the voice of the cries of the babies that’s where aborted have risen up to God.

There’s a global shaking and something is about to happen because the Gates have been opened.

People are being called to do something. We (the church) are the people that will move in through this gate. We need to be praying and interceding.

God doesn’t want to hear our commentary or our opinions about what is good. All he wants to hear is the voice of prayer.

Read (Deuteronomy 18:15 ; 34:10 , Matthew 21:11, John 1:21)

And Moses offered sacrifices to the Lord and led the people of God to offer sacrifices. The Lord sent him out where he needed to go.

We are the church in this new covenant and whatever happened in the wilderness, you can see it’s mirrored in our time. People complaining, not being grateful, even after many miracles.

To Wrap it All Up:

  • God is preparing us to get ready. He is training us to be ready as priests who’ll offer sacrifices in the wilderness.
  • We should prepare to totally give our lives, our souls, our bodies, our everything to the Lord.
  • Know the destiny that God put in your hand, to nurture and raise like the life of Moses