A door is a system of authorized access to a new or another dimension. A door opens into a place but a gate opens into a territory. If you don’t have the keys, you won’t have access. You can only imagine what is beyond the door.
Do you have the keys to the door?
It can be frustrating if you’re in front of a door and you don’t have the key. You may not know which keys work. There will be a series of trial and error until you find the right one. And when that happens, fear comes in or insecurity.
Anything and anybody can meet you at that door while you’re doing the trial and error.
That is what is going on right now. There’s a lot of trial and error going on and people are afraid. People would rather jump into the security of their houses or where it appears to be safer.
Lets Read: (Psalms 24:7, Proverbs 4:18, John 15:8)
God designed us to make progress, to increase, prosper, and advance.
We were created to please the Lord and so our light will reflect the glory of the Lord that we have come to experience.
The more we get closer to the Lord, the more we’re expected to make advancements. Our yesterdays are not supposed to be like our today’s. Today we should be better Christians. However, many people are stuck in the glory of years ago.
What is the advancement we have made from one place to another?
After a child is born, advancement is expected. A newborn can’t hold their heads up. You have to support their head for them. Everything has to be done for them. Eventually, they can sit up, crawl, and stand by themselves.
(Matthew 5:13) Our paths are supposed to shine brighter because we are the salt of the earth.
Some doors are hindrances or transitional barriers.
The Red Sea was a barrier to the children of Israel. They didn’t know what to do and their first instinct was to go back.
For example, children have an instinct to run back to their mom or dad whenever they are scared of an unfamiliar event. Why? Because of the place of security. The place of comfort is where they first run, BUT God constantly tries to move us out of that point.
Let’s look at the Eagle. When an eaglet is born, it is naked-no feathers! The only covering it has is the mother Eagle.
The mother eagle frequently leaves to get food for the eaglet. The eaglet is left alone and vulnerable, but the mother still comes back and has her eyes on it..
The eaglet has everything that a mother Eagle has but the ability to fly. That’s where the lessons come in!
The mother eagle has to shake the eaglet out of its comfort zone in the nest. She tosses the Eaglet out of the very high altitude where the nest is usually built.
When the Eagle releases the eaglet, the baby is struggling to fly and tumbles down. And then just before they hit the ground, the mother Eagle swoops down and catches them.
God trains us in many ways when he allows things to happen around us. It will look like God is not there but He is.
Since not every key opens the same door our prayer requests require the knowledge of the Word that is specific to the situation.
We are required to have “spiritual intelligence” to discern the key needed to open the doors.
This brings a new point, What kind of door needs to be kicked down?
The walls of Jericho were a door of hindrance. God gave the formula to tear it down. He said, don’t shout, just walk around quietly.” After singing and worshiping on the seventh day, the 13-foot wall fell!
Another situation that was a door was Goliath. Goliath was a door that was covering the coronation of King David.
David needed to know the exact key to bring him down.
It was not by the military power he was victorious but what has been tried and proven by the word of God. David had experienced it in the wilderness when he was a child and he fought a lion and bear.
God has a strategy for every warfare and for every gate. There is a strategy and a key.
Let’s look at Mary and Martha. Jesus came to their home. While Martha was running around preparing, Mary sat at Jesus’s feet and cashed in on the opportunity with the Lord.
Many things can come up at the gate or at the door of our lives but there are two things to do:
- Stay Still!
- Next, go into the presence of the Lord and ask Him, What door is this? What am I supposed to do at this door?
- Moses faced a red sea in front of him and a mighty army behind him. But the Lord gave him the next instruction.
- Namaan was a great man of valor, but his gate was leprosy. A Little captive girl, his destiny helper, opened the door for him.
(1 Timothy 2:4, Proverbs 11:9, Proverbs 4:5)
Knowledge and understanding are not just bible terminologies. They are something that comes from being in the presence of the Lord when we come to a gate or door.
(Colossians 4:4) We should be praying for the favor.
(1 Thessalonians 2:18)
Sometimes Satan stands as a door to hinder because he can perceive that he will lose some souls. So prayer is the weapon to pull down those strongholds that are in the way.
Read (James 5:13-15) & (Romans 8:26)
(Job 38) The mystery of God’s operation is revealed to those who spend time with the Lord. There is a principle that the earth follows.
(Joel 2:28) There will be an outpouring of his spirit, which is taking place right now.