The Signs of These Times!🛑

The Lord is a faithful God. He’s good and His mercy endures forever. We’re trusting that He’ll open the eyes of our understanding so that we may understand His Word. Praise the Lord!

Before we begin, lets read (John 14:6 TPT). Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too.”

Nobody can say, “I know the Lord”, If you do not have that union with him.

*If you look at it, the “I Am” is repeated for each manifestation of the personality of God and who HE IS!

Remember when Moses asked, “Who should I say you are?” (Exodus 3:14). Moses experienced the God who IS, who was and always will be.

He’s not going anywhere because he created everything. He was before time and placed all things within time. Unless we have that union with him, we cannot claim to know him. Praise God.

Today, we address the Global Pandemic that is affecting the world.
Key Scriptures: (Revelation 3:6 & Revelation 6 TPT)

The Book of Revelation is playing out right now. Not all parts of it are fulfilled but we are in the middle of it.

Lets Read (Revelations 8-9)

What crosses our mind when we read those scriptures? Let’s flashback to the last decade!

Between 2017 and 2019 there have been a lot of earthquakes. Hurricane Harvey hit the city of Houston in 2017. Other Hurricanes have hit the city before then. Another global shaking took place in 2001. There have been a lot of events since then, such as terrorism, new laws, famines, and droughts. There was a shifting in people’s lives, in government, and so much more. Life has changed.

There are things happening in the spirit realm.

The sounding of the trumpet, according to the Jewish history, is for preparation. The trumpet doesn’t sound because somebody wants to play but it has a meaning.

In the Book of Exodus and Numbers, the children of Israel were moving from camp to camp after they left Egypt. The Bible calls them the church in the wilderness. The church is being reenacted again in our time now. Every now and then the pillar of fire or the pillar of cloud would move.

As soon as it moved, the prophets would sound the trumpet, and everyone moved. They had to grab what they could and follow the arrangements of the tribe.

We’re the first earth and our lives have to reflect the order that is in the kingdom of God in heaven. We are the moving Tabernacles of God, so we carry the kingdom.

The trumpet is sounding yet people are not hearing. Everybody’s shouting the cliché, “We are in the last days”. However:

• What do you know about the last days?
• What is that saying to your spirit?
• What is your stance?
• Where are you in the scheme of things?

There are seven trumpets and each trumpet has been sounding for every dispensation and season.

Here’s a quick tangent:

For example, there was a trumpet sound that caused a global shifting when Jesus was supposed to be born. There were many prophecies about him from Isaiah to Daniel to Ezekiel. Their spirits received from the Lord what the Messiah was going to look like and how he’s going to come into this world. They were the custodians of the prophecy.

The ones who knew about the Lord back in the day were called the scribes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees and they were called the custodians of the law.

*What does it mean to sit in the seat of Moses?

In Exodus, Moses received the law from the Lord at Mount Sinai. This made him the custodian of the law. The custodians of the law were the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the scribes.

The wise men who traveled to meet Jesus when he was born followed the star. They could read the sign that the King of the world had been born, but they didn’t know what kind of King he was.

But God spoke to them and they went go look for the King of Kings in the palace.

So when Herod called the scribes, the Pharisees, and Sadducees and asked them about the messiah, they answered.

Lo and behold, God didn’t keep the King of Kings in the palace! He made sure he was born during a time of a global shift.

Although the Bible says that Bethlehem is the most unlikely place he was born there. Of course they played into the hands of the enemy who was waiting for that seed to be born so that they could destroy the seed, but God always has the master plan.

Prophecy was being fulfilled right in their presence. They were the custodians of this same prophecy, yet they didn’t see it playing out. Herod was an agent who enacted a genocide of the infants.

They gave the key to the enemy. Fast forward Jesus reached the age of 30. He showed up to be baptized by John the Baptist and John the Baptist testified of him.

The custodians of the law followed Jesus wherever he went to accuse him. There were always there to fulfill the agenda of the enemy.

The handwriting is very clear – the trumpet is sounding, and God is even sounding it in the ears of unbelievers. People are saying this is our last days, but we’re talking about the Mark of the beast and the antichrist being established.

But do we recognize it? People’s hearts will fill them with fear.

(Revelation 6:6)

(Luke 21:26) “The day will come that everything you admire here will be utterly destroyed. It will all become a heap of rubble!”

Notice the panic and the fear coming from the mouth of people.

(Revelation 6:1)
No, God is not interested in who can hold the biggest church event. The Lord has moved to letting his kingdom be revealed in our heart.

What is his kingdom taking dominion over?

He wants to take dominion over the hearts of men and win them to the kingdom of God.

The bible says, the kingdoms of this world have now become the kingdom of God most high. So far mankind has teamed up with the enemy to promote their agenda.

But God is taking back his own kingdom! Know who he is, an ear to hear, and then open eyes in the spirit to see the movement of the torch, of the spirit of God. So there is a lots of panic right now, people are running to a store and clearing the aisle.

We need to remember two things:

  1. Stay in the shadow of the almighty
  2. We need to have absolute trust in Him.

He has never had any track record of failing. That’s the God that we serve because he’s our father. God is the kind of father that nobody else ever has ever had.

Whatever happens, the Lord will always open a door for us, a way of escape.

What has happened is just the beginning. People were scrambling to get the basic necessities. But if we use (Revelation 6:6) we will learn that in the middle of this pandemic the economy of the people of God who truly know him will not be hurt.

Read (Psalm 91 TPT)

What else do we need? That is the scripture to pray every day, every night. That is our sanitizer. We have been given an order.

To Wrap It Up:

What orders do we need?

When the children of Israel were leaving before they left the land of Egypt, the Lord said to put that to put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts.

Read (Revelations 6:6 and Psalm 91 TPT) again, and abide in the Lord.