Earlier, we talked about how God is shifting things right now in the world spiritually and physically.
In (Exodus 1:11-16),
Pharaoh was scared that Israelites kept on multiplying. Pharaoh instructed the midwives to kill all the male children.
The first instruction he gave was not heeded. He gave another instruction to the midwives. However, the midwives listened to the voice of the Lord and did not obey Pharaoh. The Lord orchestrated the sparring of life for the ‘world shaper’ named Moses.
God had to place him in the Right Place at the Right Time so that he could bring him forward amid the crisis. In the middle of the global crisis a Leader, Priest, and Prophet was born. All of that was in Moses.
How did God train Moses?
Category: Bible Studies
What is the Passover? Part 1
We are at the point of “Birthing” in the world, like when a woman is about to give birth and she is hanging between life and death as she is getting ready to Bring forth Life.
We are at that point right now where darkness looms and everything is uncertain. There is pressure on the Church, on our lives, and on our spiritual lives.
But we know that change is about to happen. We must press forward!
We mentioned some time ago that just before a revival we begin to feel the presence of the Lord and the power of God and the Voice of the Lord saying that He is coming. There is a change/transition to bring to pass that shift.
We are the Foot Soldiers that will have to march and put pressure on that Gate to break it open.
Where does that pressure come from?
Seek First the Kingdom!🔎
I believe that the Lord has brought many of us together, not by accident. (Psalm 91:7) says “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.”
That is the promise for the righteous! This promise is for those who’ll seek him and find him.
There is always a test when we serve the Lord. When we come before the Lord we’re not coming as if we’re spectators in a football game.
We’re coming before Him to learn like Mary.
The Lord is My Light and Salvation…💡
The spirit of the Lord is one and His spirit moves. He is Dynamic.
In the Book of Genesis, the Bible says the earth was void and dark. There was confusion, blindness, and no direction.
And the Lord said “let there be light” and there was light.
We believe that even as we are in this season, the Lord has made His Light available to as many as will walk into that light.
Let’s Read (Psalms 27)
The Signs of These Times!🛑
The Lord is a faithful God. He’s good and His mercy endures forever. We’re trusting that He’ll open the eyes of our understanding so that we may understand His Word. Praise the Lord!
Before we begin, lets read (John 14:6 TPT). Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too.”
Nobody can say, “I know the Lord”, If you do not have that union with him.
The Origin of Love Part 2 💕
Love is real, love is alive! Love is a person!
Love is God and God is love! Love is powerful!
And anything less than that is just a role play.
Until we experience God (who is love himself) and be loved, we cannot reflect or have love.
You have to have two things when loving someone:
- An Encounter
- A Relationship
The Origin of Love Part 1 💕
Ask yourself:
Have you really had an encounter?
Do you really know the Lord or does the Lord know you?
Read (John 3:16)
LOVE is the basis for our walk with God. The foundation of our walk with God is the foundation for the building and the governance of the kingdom of God, which is the purpose of God in our life.
Understanding the Times & Seasons Part 4
As we have learned before, there is a global shift taking place. We are passing through a gate.
And there’s a lot of activities going on in the spirit realm- both angelic and demonic.
But today we’re going to take a look at what we are supposed to do so that we’ll move forward. What are we, the church, supposed to do? What is the Lord expecting to see from the church?
Continue reading “Understanding the Times & Seasons Part 4”Understanding the Times & Seasons Part 3
A door is a system of authorized access to a new or another dimension. A door opens into a place but a gate opens into a territory. If you don’t have the keys, you won’t have access. You can only imagine what is beyond the door.
Do you have the keys to the door?
It can be frustrating if you’re in front of a door and you don’t have the key. You may not know which keys work. There will be a series of trial and error until you find the right one. And when that happens, fear comes in or insecurity.
Anything and anybody can meet you at that door while you’re doing the trial and error.
That is what is going on right now. There’s a lot of trial and error going on and people are afraid. People would rather jump into the security of their houses or where it appears to be safer.
Continue reading “Understanding the Times & Seasons Part 3”Understanding the Times & Seasons Part 2
We are in a time where the seasons are changing! Seasons can either be chronological or through another way ordained by God.
(1 Corinthians 10:1 KJV)
We cannot be ignorant of what is taking place at this current time. There’s a lot of hype floating around on the television, social media, and through friends and family.
Many children of God are shouting and talking. Some are mirroring or echoing the voices of the world. It is easy to get distracted.
But what are you hearing in the spirit?
Continue reading “Understanding the Times & Seasons Part 2”